Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Lalalalala, Australian Day @ Picnic


Yeay!! its Australian Day 26th of January 2011, n also my last year here, can't wait going back home; Malaysia bumi tercinta. Heehehehe, (kanak2 ribenaaaa). As a replace for the multi faith festival (because of the significant damage due to flood), w r planning to have a picnic today at Gardens Point Botanical Gardens, such beautiful scenery over there.

Semoga Allah redha perhubungan kami Sesungguhnya kami berpegang pada tali agama Mu~ Amin... 

surely this plant dh tue. MasyaAllah

Beautiful scenary =) MasyaAllah,
Oppss, air teh tarik due to flood.

Story bridge =), a place to go

Sempat bermain UNO, gelak mcm kanak2 girang,
tiada mak ayah adek beradek di sisi, haha



  1. Waaah! patutlah hati aku tergerak nk abukak blog hari ni. Padahal last aku bukak blog aku pon thun lepas oo~ Comel la!!!! (^__^)

  2. spe chumelll??? k soleh le chumellll!! haha..uish patut update tuuu!! sye dok sronok tgok k soleh nye tulesan jepun jauth2 tu, hahaha
