Friday, November 18, 2011

Dear hati

Dear hati,

I know you are very weak and absolutely you need strength. But the heart is weakening tooo, strength is running away. :'( But deep down inside your mind and soul, you know this calamity of life that Allah gives you, nothing more just to show you that He loves you the most.

Dear hati,

Don't question the wisdom of Allah. He always a good and best planner. Believe in Him and Always trust Him. Allah knows best.

Dear hati,

I know that sometimes you are afraid to know the truth. Remember, life in the dunia today is only a shadowing 20 mins performance. Be strong ep.

Dear hati,
Bersabar. Innalaha ma'ana 

Dear hati,
Bukankah kau sedang di berikan perhatian?

Dear hati,
If you want jannah, then you should deserve more than this trial, this is only beginning, you have greatest hardships in front of you. Be strong! Stay positive! Have a new and a long term perspective! 

                                                                Most loved: your soul, Nadia Mustafa

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